On 28 November, in compensation for the loss of his property in Paris eight years prior, Hofmann is awarded a loan of 180,000 Marks from Germany’s Imperial Indemnification Office for War Damage.

The German Expressionist artist Gabrielle Münter, who had been in a long-term relationship with painter Wassily Kandinsky from the early 1900s through mid-World War I, spends Christmas with the Hofmanns in Munich.



American art students Vaclav Vytlacil, Ernest Thurn, and Ludwig Sander leave Munich’s conservative Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Fine Arts) to attend Hofmann’s school, which includes life drawing sessions and regular critiques from Hofmann himself, the latter practice a rarity in the Academy.

Such hands-on teaching, along with regular discussion of art theory, attracts an international array of students seeking more avant-garde instruction. Some stay for years, while others attend for only a few weeks. By the mid-1920s, Hofmann cements his reputation as a forward-thinking teacher of modern art.



On 5 June, Hofmann and Miz marry in Munich. During the year, Münter asks the Hofmanns to store 23 works by Kandinsky.



Hofmann paints Green Bottle, one of three extant oil paintings from the 1920s. The other two works are a self portrait from c. 1926 and an untitled painting from 1929. Green Bottle reflects many of Hofmann’s early artistic influences, from the still-life paintings of Cézanne and Van Gogh, to the Cubist works by Picasso, Braque, and Juan Gris.